It’s important to get our bare feet on the ground to connect to Earth and receive her health benefits. This is the practice of earthing or grounding. Contacting the Earth with the soles of your feet allows your body to absorb electrons. According to Dr. Gerald Pollack, since the Earth has a greater negative charge than your body, you end up absorbing electrons from it. As our bodies actually consist of over 99% water molecules, he further adds ”these negatively charged electrons may then help increase the structure of the water in your cells—just as water increases in structure when a negative charge is introduced with an electrode.”
I saw this posted by a friend on Facebook and wanted to share this with others. It seems like an enjoyable way to engage and learn more about your partner. You could easily modify the questions to suit any relationship you're wanting to nurture and build intimacy. If you decide to try this, I would love to hear what you enjoyed about it.
Consider the many beautiful qualities and expressions of love:
kindness – gentleness – generosity– joy – fairness – courage –patience – cooperation – inclusion – acceptance.